Hormone Heresy


A comprehensively researched book that explains how the use of conventional hormone replacement therapies have put women at great risk and shows the suffering they have endured.



What Women MUST Know About Their Hormones

A comprehensively researched book that explains how the use of conventional hormone replacement therapies have put women at great risk and shows the suffering they have endured. It provides women of all ages the vital information necessary for making informed choices; such as the scientific research that shows that synthetic hormones used in HRT and The Pill contribute to breast, ovarian and uterine cancers and how longer term use contributes to CFS, liver disease, impaired thyroid function and reduced or complete deletion of a woman’s sex drive. This invaluable volume contains the most optimal, safe and effective solutions to hormonal imbalance at whatever age it occurs. With the knowledge and understanding held within this book women are inspired to create a “hormonal balancing” program for their long term health.