Hi Folks ….

I have always been the black sheep of my family.  For whatever reason, I have followed the path less traveled.  It’s seems there is something about the unknown…about new possibilities…about healing my  limited beliefs and fears that set my course in life as an adventurer.  To be more accurate an adventurer in consciousness.

It started early in life…in my last year at university.

The world was my oyster..and I hadn’t a clue what oyster to shuck!  I was overwhelmed with fear, dread, depression as I stood on the precipice of my unknown future.

And then something quite miraculous and spontaneously opened in me.  I had a glimpse of a life filled with Love and Light.  You could call it a peak experience….a moment of transcendence.  Whatever it was, it changed my life forever.  The experience ignited a memory in me that there is a spiritual path that I must follow.  It truly was a revelation because up to that moment, spirituality really did not even entered my lexicon.

My journey has literally taken me to the ends of the earth….as well a plunging me into the depths of my being.  There were so many wounds that needed to be healed – insecurity,  lack of self- worth, fear of intimacy..the usual culprits.  My body also needed healing from the stress of my emotional baggage.

But I persevered.  I did course after course of self- development events.  Learned spiritual practices.  Developed discipline. Trained as a psychotherapist … and then a naturopath.

And, always pulled to the unknown like an irresistible magnet.  

I have always loved this quote by T.S Eliot.  “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

It is the perfect expression of my journey in life. The journey of truly returning to who I AM and knowing who I AM for the first time.

Is it worth the risk when facing that unknown to leap off the cliff into the Unknown …. absolutely, 100 percent, with out a doubt – yes!

My life is now filled with purpose, radiant health, inner peace,  centeredness, compassion and gratitude.

And so, this brings me to the reason I return to an amazing experience in Costa Rica for the past 4 years. I have found a path and a place that is profound beyond words for healing our wounds, our illnesses, our traumas and our disconnection from our Soul.  It is through the guidance of the ancient wisdom found in plant medicine … a spiritual path that the indigenous people of the Amazon have followed for thousands of years that is now emerging from the jungles and into our Western world.

Plant medicine is a sacred journey experienced in ceremony and facilitates by those trained and initiated in the ways of ancient wisdom and traditions.

It is an experience of quantum leaping from fear into love.  It is an accelerated transformational process.  What takes people decades to heal can be achieved in a few ceremonies over the course of a week.

As incredible as it sounds, I have witnessed it over and over again.

So that is why I am returning once again to Costa Rica and spending the week of  Feb. 9-16th  at Rythmia Life Advancement Center.

Come join me for a life transforming experience.

If you want something in your life you’ve never had, You’ll have to do something, you’ve never done.

Go ahead!  Listen to your Soul, go past the fear,….take the dive into another reality!  Something wonderful is waiting for you!

To learn more and get a special discount, go to Rythmia.com/sellman or call them at (844) 346-8069 or contact me drs@drsherrillsellman.com