Dr. Sherrill Sellman ND
Greetings …
Have you ever thought about the angels in your life?  I don’t really mean the embodied ones but rather the unseen variety.  Well, I haven’t  really given much conscious thought to the angels that might be hovering around me.   So, it was with interest that I had a wonderful interview on my Love Code podcast last week with Keith Leon, the author of Walking with My Angels.  He talked about his life and having angels with him since he was very young and they helped many times to avoid life threatening circumstances, etc. In our interview he guided us through a simple invocation to invite our angels to be with us.
Since then angels have been in the upper most of my thinking…and I decided to put out the call to them to be with me. Some interesting events have occurred since then.
A week ago, I had dinner with a friend and then popped into Trader’s Joe for a few things and then headed home.  The next morning I was about to order a cup of coffee when I discovered my wallet had disappeared.  Yikes…My wallet with  all my cards, licenses, insurance cards, etc.   I rummaged through my purse – nope not there.   Scanned my car..nope, not there.    Headed back home to check  if I might left it there – nope, no luck.
What do do?   Ok Angels….I”m calling on you.
Rather than go into a full blown panic state….I remained calm and trusted that my wayward wallet would be found.  I just so happened to have glanced at my inbox and noticed a message  from a phone call  from the night before which I had ignored because I thought it was someone soliciting me
To my surprise, it was a man’s voice leaving a message that he had found my wallet in the parking lot….and somehow tracked me down to tell me that my wallet was now safe and sound in Trader Joe’s office.  I ran off to TJ’s … and there it was … safe and sound … and nothing was missing!
Boy…did I let out a great big sigh of relief!.  And I gave a big etheric hug to my ever watchful, guardian angel who did such great job looking after me.   I have to say that there have been several other events that have occurred since that could have been a major drama for me that also were “ miraculously” resolved!
So, I hardily recommend inviting your guardian Angel into your life. We can’t  have too many special friends!!!
Moral of this story…go on….ask your Guardian Angel  into your life.  It doesn’t cost any more to ask!
Thank you G. A!